I have been applying some changes to the store’s website and I thought I’d share some of the ways I’m redesigning for maximum profit. Cool eh’?
Folks ask me all the time what should a website look like? Looks do play a role but before you start down the design path you should really take some time and considerer other aspects like functionality, marketability, demographics, and what is the goal of this new online venture.
So, if it ok with you, let’s begin with the top 5 ways…
#1 – Identify the Goal of Your Site.
I know this one seems obvious but so many businesses and individuals miss the mark. Is it a portal site that directs you visitors to other websites you have? Is it for personal branding purposes? Is the goal to provide customer service? Is the ultimate goal to close a sale? Is the website’s goal to collect your customers email for follow up? Those are some of the questions you need to ask before you ever start working with a web designer or begin tackling the project yourself.
#2 – Choose A Type.
One website does not fit all. Corporate sites like Apple and Dell are pretty slick but they also require an extraordinary budget to maintain and create. There are a few basic types to choose from, and I will list them in order based on ease of entry; blog, squeeze/opt in page, sales page, corporate/billboard site, and ecommerce.
In my case, it was the ecommerce site unfortunately. But, the majority of my activity and what generates me the most profit are the lower entry websites. I love blogs, and so does Google so if the whole idea is to get found blogs are one of the best ways to go.
#3 – Select How Your Visitors Will Find You.
The primary source of traffic to my one of my sites is through offline advertising campaigns like business cards, telling folks about the website through the brick and mortar store, and word of mouth. However, I have other websites that 70% of the traffic is from organic search engines. So, the third tip is to say, how will visitors find my site? Once you have that figured out, you can use the text, images, domain name, and headlines on your website to go after that target market.
For example, if I want to be found from potential customers searching Google for “General Contractor Tampa” then I would create an entire site, or the majority of the site would be about that topic. It is good to stay specific in the beginning. Remember you can always branch out later.
#4 – Define How Much Time, And Money.
Folks miss this step all the time. In an ideal world, a website would be updated all the time with tons of content, videos, photographs, product, etc. But, you have to recognize that doing all that isn’t free. I tell my clients all the time that if you start with at least one update to your website or blog a week that is good enough when you are starting. Then if it starts producing a profit you can ramp it up.
Narrow down your budget, and decide what you are willing to throw at it.
#5 – Where does the money go?
The above question is absolutely vital. If there is no clear call of action, or a way to collect payments then all of your efforts are for not. For an ecommerce site this takes shape in how easy the shopping cart is to use. For local businesses, if a phone call to setup an appointment or speak to a person on staff is the ultimate goal then you need to spell it out for your customers in detail.
If you are personally branding yourself then maybe just a comment at the bottom of an article is payment enough. Whatever the case maybe, you have to be clear and distinguish where and what you want your customer, reader, or potential client to do. At the end of the day, you have to get paid.
In conclusion, these fundamental steps are certainly not everything in the world that you can do with your new design, but it is something to consider when you are redoing your website.
Remember, being something for everyone is not an option. I don’t care how big you are.
Talk soon,
P.S. In the next article, I am going to cover how social media can get your next blog post read by more than just your folks.
Your site rocks. I need to change mine.